
Nightingale fgo
Nightingale fgo

This healing can only be done once per short rest for each creature.


Now when you stabilize a creature using a healer’s kit they regain 1 HP, and you can spend a use of a healers kit to heal a creature for 1d6+4 HP, plus an extra amount of HP equal to their maximum number of hit dice. Cleric 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to become a Healer.

nightingale fgo

Along with your domain spells, you also get the performance enhancing drug Enhance Ability, the tranquilizer Hold Person, and more Protection from Poison.Ĥ. Despite the similar names, the former improves your existing weapon a bit and makes it magical to avoid resistances, and the latter makes a brand new weapon that you control as a bonus action each turn. Cleric 3: At third level you get second level spells, like Magic Weapon and Spiritual Weapon. Some times the most effective way to end a disease is to end the person it’s afflicting.ģ. Cleric 2: Second level clerics can Channel Divinity, either Turning Undead to make those that fail a wisdom save of DC 8 plus your wisdom modifier plus your proficiency, or making a Guided Strike, adding 10 to your attack roll. Spare the Dying is what you’re actually supposed to use when people’s limbs come off, stabilizing creatures at 0 hp so they don’t have to worry about death saves.Ģ.

nightingale fgo

Mending puts two things back together (it’s intended for nonliving things, but I’m sure it works fine on limbs too). Guidance adds 1d4 to an ability score, so long as they follow your directions for fluids and bedrest. You can also prepare spells outside your domain healing spells are an obvious choice, but you should also check out Detect Poison and Disease and Purify food and Drink to make sure you have some antidotes on you.įinally, you also get cantrips. The former makes your gun run a little hotter with radiant damage for up to a minute, and the latter gives a creature extra combat awareness, boosting their AC for up to 10 minutes. You also get Domain Spells, which always count as prepared and you don’t have to spend prep time getting, like Divine Favor and Shield of Faith. You also learn Spells that you can cast and prepare using your Wisdom. This means you can still have two attacks per turn without having to dual wield like your feat wants you to. You’re also a War Priest, meaning a number of times per day equal to your wisdom modifier you can attack as a bonus action after attacking with your main action. As a war cleric, you start out proficient in martial weapons, which means we don’t have to jump through hoops to get your hand crossbow like we did with Shirou’s weapon. However, you know the best way to avoid infections to kill anything that could infect you, which definitely makes you more of a War cleric than a life one. Cleric 1: Shockingly, the nurse is a Cleric. You don’t really care about topics other than medicine, so it’s not like you’ll be using it that much.ġ. We don’t need it, but you’re still a berserker, so we’re dropping Intelligence instead. You may be pretty lucid, but you’re still a berserker that means you’re hard to take down, and that means your Constitution should be next. Your Charisma is next, you can be “persuasive” when you want to be.

nightingale fgo

Make your Dexterity the second highest to multiclassing, damage, and to keep your AC up (that’s not exactly heavy armor).

nightingale fgo

Make sure your Wisdom is as high as possible for the best medicine checks and spellcasting. Nightingale might be a nurse, but she spent most of her time patching up wounds in the army, and the Soldier background gives her proficiency with Athletics and Intimidation, both things she pretty good at. That feat means you can attack multiple times in a turn with a crossbow, attack within melee range without disadvantage, and if you’re holding a crossbow in your off hand and another weapon in your main hand, you can attack with the weapon as an action and the crossbow as a bonus action. Some settings allow for pistols, but some don’t, and we’re playing it safe here. Nightingale’s a Human, and the variant version gives her +1 Wisdom and Charisma, as well as Insight proficiency and the Crossbow Expert feat. Next up: RUN! It’s a creature legally distinct from Godzilla! She’s not afraid to use them, so try not to get sick.Ĭheck out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here! Flo is the most skilled nurse in Chaldea, with a variety of techniques to deal with disease and ill health on and off the battlefield. Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making everyone’s favorite medical practitioner and biting enthusiast, Florence Nightingale! The good Ms.

Nightingale fgo